Chase is 6 months old! He's been alive for half a year! I can't even believe it and I can't explain how much I absolutely love him! These past 6 months have been so hard, fun, and such a learning experience. He weighs 15 pounds and is 25 inches long! Yeah he's gonna be a shortie :)
Chase HATES sleeping! I don't know any babies who don't like to sleep except Chase! I love sleeping but maybe Chase will learn to love it too :) he still wakes up 3-8 times a night! Yes, I know that's a big gap but some nights are good and some nights are pretty long... He is learning though! He loves sleeping with me which I love because I can cuddle him all night long and he doesn't mind! (Even though it's extremely hot some nights) he will sleep in his crib for a few hours each night and for his naps most times!
This is at 1 am and he is wide awake...
He has eaten green beans (he didn't like them so much), peas (also not a favorite), sweet potatoes (now we are getting to the good stuff), and carrots (he loves carrots)! He has also had a lick of ice cream, lasagna, and Popsicles of course!
He loves to play with toys now! He can sit up by himself, and he can scoot slowly across the floor! He rolls all over the place and hates it when mommy and daddy leave the room! He is starting to recognize strangers and looks to his parents for approval! He is also starting to hold his own bottle which is totally bittersweet because I love feeding him but it's hard at night and it would be so much easier if I could give him a bottle and he could put himself to sleep! He is starting to reach for people now too which is fun to see who he wants to hold him! I think he is trying to give hugs and kisses sometimes but maybe that's just my imagination!
He doesn't like his binky and would much rather chew on it than actually suck on it which makes falling asleep on his own hard :/
He loves talking! We will sit in church and Chase will talk to the people behind us and he gets so upset when they don't talk back so he starts yelling at them!
My mom came to Rexburg last week and took some of Chase's pictures for being 6 months old! It was so fun even though Seth wasn't able to come with us :(
It is great seeing Chase learn and grow each day. I love teaching him and I love it when I see him doing something that I taught him! He is so fun and I love being his mom! I am so blessed to have Chase in my life and I can't wait to see him learn and grow more each day!